Week 6 – 10/5 to 10/9

This week we placed an order on Robot Shop for the sensing and control aspects of our robot. We ordered an Arduino Mega microcontroller, two IR range sensors for object detection, a thermal array sensor for flame detection, a laser scanner for navigation, a caster for support, wheels, motors, and their necessary associated parts such as a mounting hub, brackets, etc.

We ordered two sets of wheels, a larger set with hard tires and a slightly smaller set with softer tires, to test out which works better for our robot as well as two 12V drive motors with encoders.

We decided on a laser scanner that can measure a range of 6 m, which is farther than any IR or ultrasonic sensor we could find. Our intent is to use this range capability to see openings and turns before our device is at them, allowing for early decision-making and smooth operation. We also discussed the possibility of implementing something similar with a stationary range finder and a rotating mechanism of our design. This would cost less, but require time to build and program. The advantage of this scanner is that its operation is already programmed and controlled and all we have to do is process its output. Laser rangefinders in general may be overkill for the particular environment we’ll be competing in (evenly spaced, light colored walls). But our intent is to design something that could be extended to a less ideal environment where this type of measurement would be absolutely necessary.